8 Most İmportant Words İn The English Language! 1- Robust: A robust person is strong and healthy (Güçlü , dirençli ve çok sağlıklı) 2- Counterintuitive: Mantığa aykırı , mantık dışı 3- İncentive: Motivation (teşvik, isteklendirme) 4- Fabolous: extremely good or impressive (wonderful) , (Efsanevi , olağanüstü) 5- Disruptive: Causing problems and preventing something from continuing in its usual way. (Yıkıcı , birliği bozan , karışıklığa neden olan) 6- Utilize: To put to use; turn to portable situation ( faydalı hale getirmek, yarar sağlamak) 7- Predicament: A difficult or unpleasent situation in which you do not know what to do.(kötü vaziyet , zor durum) 8- Procrastinate: To delay doing something that you ought to. Usually because you don't want to do it.(put off)(geciktirmek ,ertelemek)